Trail Work-
Meet at Perry Hill in the parking lot and we will supply the tools and the game plan. Just bring anything you think you need for working in the woods and personal affects. It's better to have more than want more. For a short list of suggestions, scroll down a little further. All abilities welcome!
Every volunteer trail work event is joined by our friends from Vermont Beer Shepherd with pizza Jimmz.
Trail Nights scheduled, please keep an eye on our social media accounts and newsletter for dates and times
We will also have some early season pop up trail days! Keep your eyes peeled on all of your information channels. We always get to do early season drainage, blow downs and leaves blown before we can open the trails.
Volunteer trail work stuff you might want to bring:
Clothes you don't mind getting a beating and appropriate for the weather
Good boots or shoes
Bug Dope
Backpack to carry personal items
Optional- one prepared joke to tell people
A dog
Your favorite personal tool; but we also have plenty to share
Board Meetings- We meet at least once per month to discuss event and network planning. Typically, we meet at The Rez but that's always subject to change. If you're interested in sitting in on one, let us know and we can get you the time and date.
General Events- We host and/or co-host many events every year! For details on each of those events, click the button to the corresponding event of interest. If you are in or immediate around Waterbury and plan on having an event let us know and we can add it to our calendar! Events like group rides and the like. If your group would like to host a demo or event at one of our networks, please get in contact with us to discuss.